Lesson 7: Types of essay
· Argumentative essay: present your argument to show your agreeing or disagreeing with the topics (totally agree, partly agree, totally disagree). In some topics just simply ask you to agree of disagree.
· Discussion essay: present 02 opposing view and their arguments:
◦ What is your view (agree, disagree with one of two ideas above to follow a different view).
· Cause, effect, solution: Give reason, result and solution.
How to come up with ideas from a topic?
1. With regard to environment problems:
− Is it good or bad to our ecology?
− How is it good or bad? (Explain)
2. Economic consideration
· Does it make economic sense? Is it more profitable or less profitable?
· Does it help develop our economic as a whole? Why or why not?
· Can people enrich knowledge, reach higher status and enjoy better physical life?
· Is it more money saving?
3. Human right consideration and psychological sense
· Is it humane or inhumane?
· Is it fair or unfair? Who suffers?
· Is it moral or immoral? Why or why not? (Give examples)
· Does it satisfy people? Why or why not?
4. Cultural value / History?
· Does it affect our traditional value?
· Does it enrich our cultural value? Explain.
5. Aesthetic and technological application
· More beautiful? Appearance?
· More time saving / faster? (Give specific examples to illustrate)
· Does it affect human relationship? (Result in break down of communication)
6. Health effects
· Healthier or weaker?
· More obese?
· Do people lead a sedentary lifestyle?
· According to scientific surveys, is it good for your health?
7. Education sense
· Do we learn something from it?
· Do children enjoy a comprehensive education?
· Do they improve other necessary skills? (Teamwork, soft-skill and etc.)
8. Political sense / The matter of autonomy / Security
· Is it safe for our country? Does it affect the matter of security? Do our country depend on others because of that?
· Better for the country? Bilateral / multi-lateral relationship affected or not?
· Does that ease political tension?
· Bước 1: Xác định loại đề.
· Bước 2: Xác định chủ đề chính của bài.
VD: Đầu tư hay không vào quốc phòng → Politic.
· Bước 3: Nhìn xem chủ đề này có liên quan đến những lĩnh vực nào?
VD: Chủ đề là Politic:
◦ Environment: weapon causes environmental pollution (nuclear weapon)
◦ Economic: generate profit >< financial crisis, economic punishment.
◦ Fairness.
◦ Health
◦ Education
◦ Security
· Bước 4: Sau khi ra được đề liên quan → Nhìn ra trực tiếp hay gián tiếp những đối tượng nào sẽ liên đới?
Eg: Advertising → Media
◦ Environment:
▪ The old and children suffer noise and light pollution.
▪ Give consumers information about environment friendly products.
◦ Economic:
▪ consumers (choose the cheapest products)
▪ advertisers and governments (gain profits)
▪ media (sponsorship money)
◦ Psychology: Children (relaxed because pictures, sounds and contents are interesting and humorous)
◦ Education:
▪ Children (creativity, inspired, new ideas)
▪ Citizens (raise people's awareness of environmental protection)
◦ Culture: Nations (promote the image of the country)
· Bước 5: Sau khi có 4, 5 ideas và supporting ideas (về đối tượng) để làm bài essay dài ra nên give examples (ví dụ đến từ nghiên cứu khoa học là đáng tin cậy nhất).
· Bước 6: Nhóm ý tưởng
Nếu có đến 4 ideas chính thì mỗi câu chủ đề sẽ có 2 ideas, supporting ideas chính sẽ chia ra 2 ý nhỏ hơn .
Chủ đề cực kỳ trừu tượng, ngắn:
· Failure is the lack of desire.
· Công nghệ bóp chết truyền thống.
☺ Cách xử lý :
· Bước 01: Tinh thần phải thoải mái, không shock.
· Bước 02: Các đề càng ngắn gọn thì phải cụ thể ở các lĩnh vực khác nhau.
· …
Eg: Failure is the lack of desire.
1. Environment: nature, people (đối tượng).
Tsunami, global-warming, disasters...
2. Economic: investors, business people, governments, famous people (Steve Jobs, Bill Gates).
3. Education: students, children, myself, teachers, a famous person.
4. Technology: people, investors, famous person.
5. Culture: sports men, famous sport men.
The unemployment is rising, and to deal with this issue, government suggest that the main staff allow the unemployed to replace them for 03 days in their companies. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
1. Economic
· The unemployed earn a living.
· The main staffs have more time off, feel relaxed, work effectively and pursue higher education.
· Companies make us of cheap labor create competitiveness between workers (the old ones are motivated to work harder)
· The society: entertainment services have chance of development and create jobs + reduce gap between the rich and the poor, lower unemployment rate, welfare need and crime is minimized.
2. Fairness: creat equal chance for all people to show their ability and have access to jobs (some jobless people are competent (năng lực) but lose jobs for objective reaseons.
3. Education
- Build a society where people love, respect and love each other in difficulties.
- The jobless accumulate new skills by working.
4. Society / Security
- Decreased unemployment rates mean fewer crimes.
1. Economic
· The main staff feel dissatisfied because of reduced salaries due to fewer working hours, feel afraid of losing jobs to the unemployed.
· Companies: lower productivity, allocate a huge amount of money for training, find it hard to handle the matter of management.
· Society: more time on “doing nothing is doing ill”, the possibility of crime is raises indigration (sự phẫn nộ) and the feeling of unfair in the old staff and therefore, strikes are likely
2. Unfair: main staff work hard, learn hard to gain a job and now the jobless without knowledge and skills can still have the same opportunity.
3. Education
- The jobless become lazy, dependent.
- Build a belief in young generation that they do not have to work hard for their jobs.
4. Society / Security
- Main staff go on strike, which leads to chaos.
Topic: Should be the old living in nursing house or staying with their family.
Nursing house
1. Economic
- Young couples have more time to focus on their jobs and earn better living.
- Create jobs for nurses and doctors.
2. Human right and psychology
- Fair for them to enjoy their own life, instead of worrying about their children.
- Feel relaxed when sharing their feelings with same age friends, finding their partner (while their kids belong to another generation can hardly understand their feelings).
3. Education
- Learn new things and persue their unfinished mission in the past on account of the fact that they are so busy with taking care their family, write books.
4. Health
- Better caring by dint of better facilities and professional doctors and nurses.
5. Culture
- Suitable with western culture and modern life where personal freedom and individualism are appreciated.
1. Economic
- Not all families afford expensivve caring and treatment.
- Save money in hiring baby sisters.
2. Human right and psychology
- Fair for them to be taken care by children since they have to spend their whole life supporting their children.
- Feel comfortable to see their grandchildren around and hear their langhter.
3. Education
- Share experience, skills, knowledge, give advice to their children and grand children.
- Learn from the youngsters new things.
4. Health
- Children take care of the old with love, not the responsibility and are readyy to stand by their side in weakness and health.
5. Culture
- Suitable with oriental culture where children can show their gratitude towards what the old have sacrificed for their success.
Topic: Why do the young have more power than the old in today's world? What are the effects of this trend?
1. Economic
· Facts have shown that they are early economically independent.
Eg: do part-time jobs, richest men in the world are youngsters such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuker-berg (founder of Facebook).
2. Education + Technology
· Better condition to access updated knowledge and information, higher education.
· More creative and active in accessing knowledge and therefore gain higher status in work places.
3. Health
· Stronger and more adaptable to new things and deal with pressure more effectively (by dint of better health care and higher living standard).
4. Human right and culture
· Equality is well recognized and young movements like hippies popularize the image of the young.
· Global and western culture flatten the worl and remove the boundary in age between the old and the young.
· Economic: open, dynamic and global economy with creative ideas.
· Education: the old are motivated to update themselves and learn new things from the young.
· Culture and society: democratic and remove backward ideas.
· Economic: the old … their chance to show their abilities while the young can make serious mistakes due to their lack of experience of knowledge.
· Unfair: the old have made great contributions.
· Culture: build the belief that the old become worthless and are looked down on, the spread of improper culture aspects.
1. It has been claimed that worker over 50 are not responsive to rapidly changing ideas in the modern workplace and that for this reason younger are to be preferred. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. A country's first duty to its citizens to protect them. Therefore, it is logical that defense should take up a significant proportion of the national budget. In what extent do you agree or disagree?
3. Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violent increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
4. Some schools have intention to replace sports and arts with its which is considered more practical to kid's education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
5. Some people think the age of books is past and mass media like television, radio, newspaper and more prevalent. Discuss.
1. Economic
- Using mass media is cheaper than buying books.
- Modern information change everyday and
- Paper production progress can have backward affect to environment.
6. Some people think traditional skills and lifestyles begin to disappear as a result of technological explosion. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. Economically
Current globalization in trading flattens the world, and only in city can you enjoy food from all marks of life, for example, KFC, kim-chi, sushi and other famous culture brand names.
2. Technologically
- The booming of the Internet provides people easier access to culture worldwide and therefore, they learn from each other and produce the same thing in their countries.
- With cutting edge technology the unique cultural aspects of giants countries are created in other nations. For instance, there are Disney land park in Hongkong, China and Japan.
3. Other unwanted risks
- Health: Virus, arian flu claimed visitor's lives
- Politics: political instability.
- Environment: rising pollution and natural disasters (tsunami took away lives of people).
2. Technologically
- The Internet's information is not always accurate and can hardly reflect culture [Unknown A1] authentically due to the political and religious reasons and even information can be distorted.
- Internet is a way to promote culture to the world and arouse in people desire to travel.
- Also, can you feel the beauty of London fog and snow through the window of the Internet?
- Facts have show that by dint of the Internet, the number of visitors to other countries multiplies amazingly in recent years.
3. Other benefits
- Education: enrich knowledge (like Columbus find out American continent through his journey).
- Psychocology: feel relaxed.
- Economic: generate profit for host countries and visitors discover potential economic market.
7. The culture of different countries are becoming similar so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have the same experience at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. Culture and technology
- Hardly do people communicate through face-to-face, but use online chatting and email.
- Reading habit = online reading.
2. Education and technology
- Such traditional way, like, writing with white chalks which causes pollution and adversely affects teachers' health in the long run is replaced with the birth of projectors and other visual aid to enhance teachers's knowledge delivery.
3. Economic and technology
Manual work which costs time, for instance, washing dishes and clothes by hands is taken over by machines. Traditional craft making is preferred and mass produced thanks to the assembly line which generates more profit.
1. Culture
- The prevalence of Internet diversifies the way of communication, but does not mean to kill the traditional and well-valued way.
- In fact, face-to-face communication is seen as an effective tool, and in business, online conferences and chatting still hardly replace the role of direct talks and deals.
2. Education
Online learning and teaching can never achieve the great effectiveness as the direct interaction between teachers and students, the traditional way where feedback is given immediately and both of them have more chance to learn from each other necessary skills, like debating which is more effective.
3. Economic
- Traditional craft making by hand is viewed as more economically and authentically valueable and the is the reason why despite the booming of the assembly line, the traditional craft villages still exist as part of our lives and create jobs for people.
4. Argument: technology promotes the traditional skills.
Culture: advertise unique culture features of each nation and attract more tourists and shorten people's long journey of discovery through the support of airplane.
Education: visual aid enlivens the lesson especially the history ones to give students chance to dig deeper into the precious value.